Wolf, are you there? Silence... Wolf, are you there? Silence... What have we done to that majestic creature? He is gone, gone forever extinct. It didn't have to happen
Sparkling eyes Shimmering coat of black silk Majestic as he runs, lean muscles strong, tightening, relaxing He runs back to his pack A bold alpha male basking in the sunlight at the mouth of his den A beautiful creature The Wolf.
This one is by a fellow Sister of the Wolf--Sirius.
I want the wolf to be free
I want a clear, blue sea
I want a green oak tree
I wonder- will this be?
I want the eagle fly
I want a blue, blue sky
I want rocky mountains high
Please, I want us to try
I want a peaceful night
I want to see morning's light
I want the sun shine bright
For this, please, let's fight
I want a beautiful land
I want smooth, white sand
Please, let's understand
Let's give a helping hand
I don't want all this greed
There's so much we don't need
Let's let Mother Nature lead
Please, let's have her freed
Sirius 1998
If you talk to the animals
they will talk to you
and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them,
you will not know them,
and what you do not know
you will fear.
--Chief Dan George